A valve and flowmeter in one

A valve and flowmeter in one
A valve and flowmeter in one

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In most wastewater treatment plants, space is at a premium. Equipment that can perform multiple duties is valuable. With that idea in mind, Singer and McCrometer have teamed up to provide a solution for in-valve flow measurement — the SPI-MV single-point-insertion electromagnetic flowmeter.

Using McCrometer’s single-insertion meter technology along with the reliability of a Singer valve, it allows users to have both a flowmeter solution along with the functionality of a control valve.

“Having these two components joined as one means you now only require three pipe diameters upstream of your SPI-MV package, and there is no required downstream straight lengths,” says Ryan Spooner, instrumentation and automation manager for Singer. “This significantly reduces the amount of vault size you need for confined space installation, which saves money on construction costs.”

The unit is designed to provide an accurate flow rate that can be utilized with the metering valve built into a pilot system to provide complete flow-based valve control. The compact insertion design fits in confined spaces and offers complete accessibility. It can be removed for easy inspection and cleaning.

“The ideal application is anywhere a control valve is needed along with the need to measure flow,” says Spooner. “This could be for flow data monitoring or for the use of flow control. As it fits into most common Singer-offered control valves, it can be an add-on for just about any application.”

It is available for valve sizes from 3 to 36 inches. The flow sensor comes precalibrated, with no moving parts and a single-piece design, it contains nothing to wear or break, and is generally immune to clogging. It is also available in a battery-operated model that measures accurate flow rate when power is not available. That version can run independently of an external power source for three to five years, and a small solar panel can be added to extend the lifetime to 10 to 15 years. It can also be paired with an external AC or DC power source so the battery becomes a backup for power outages.

“There was already a great reputation established for the product by McCrometer, but now having it offered with the Singer valve as a package gives it even more advantages,” says Spooner. “Combined with the automation control panel, the control package has become a standard for many users to control their system.” 888/764-7858; www.singervalve.com


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